Quick Guides, training videos and freelance journalism text book
Quick Guides
Finances and Contracts
In this Quick Guide you will learn how to run your freelance journalism business and how to create excellent record keeping practices. The digital guide will teach you how to set yourself up as self-employed plus the best way to organise your finances and manage tax. You will also learn how to negotiate a fair rate of pay and what to look out for in freelance contracts
Finding Work and Pitching
In this Quick Guide, you will learn the art of freelance journalism pitching with the help of real life examples. The digital guide also includes strategies for developing a diverse portfolio, where to find freelance journalism work in mainstream publications and on digital platforms, how to find the right editor for your story, what to include in a pitch and how to ‘sell’ your idea to a commissioning editor.
Developing Ideas and Finding Sources
In this Quick Guide you will learn how to develop ideas into stories and where to find expert sources and case studies to support your freelance journalism. The digital guide also includes tips of where to find inspiration for stories, tools for keeping track of ideas, how to track down specific case studies and how to manage the process of when to conduct interviews. There is also a handy checklist and plenty of real life examples.
Branding and Networking
In this Quick Guide you will learn how to brand yourself, how to promote your freelance journalism work and how to make those all important contacts and connections. The digital guide will also teach you how to think like a brand, how to define your unique selling point, how to make the most of your digital profile and how to use social media to make meaningful and profitable contacts.

View our video catalogue
We have a range of freelance journalism training videos covering:
Pitching and Developing Ideas
How to Find Freelance Work
Setting up as a Freelancer
TikTok for Journalists
How to Launch a Successful Podcast
How to Break into Lecturing
Freelancing for Journalists, published by Routledge
“This book is an absolute godsend for anyone wanting to take the step into freelance journalism. It’s not only fantastic as a go-to text for students but for industry professionals wanting to take the plunge. As well as de-mystifying the commissioning process, it provides a comprehensive toolkit that I wish I had when I first went freelance.”
An authoritative, practical and engaging guide for current and aspiring freelance journalists which explores key aspects of the role including pitching a story, networking, branding and navigating laws and rights.